Saturday, October 4, 2014


Q1. Who is Louis Daguerre and why is he so special?  How did he become independently wealthy?
A1.A French artist and photographer. He is recognized for his invention of the daguerreotype process of photography. He became known as one of the fathers of photography. He made money from his art work and pictures.
 Q2. What types of photos did people take when photography was first invented?  What were some of the difficulties they had to endure?
A2. Pictures of people, towns, architecture. Lighting, it would take a long time to get the photo to work and be processed.

Q3. Name three different types of early photographs. What did they look like?  Why were they called what they were called?
A3.Daguerreotypes was a polished copper plate upon which an image was directly exposed. With it's brilliant,mirror-likesurface. Very easy to carry in your pocket. Representation of a loved one. They were called that because, it meant one important image. Ambrotypes was a glass negative backed with black material, produced a single image on glass. They are called that because, of the type of cases, material, and how the pictures are made. Tintypes had an iron plate for glass and cheaper than the ambrotype. Because tintypes were placed in albums along with CDVs, they were often trimmed at the sides and corners. They were called that because of the size.

Q4. What is a Kodak Brownie.  How did it work?  What made it so popular?  Can you buy one today?
A4. The one who made the camera. It was cheap photography, made the Kodak camera. It popular because people could afford it and it was new. Yes, you can buy one today.

Q5. Who were the Dadaists?  What was their photographic work like? Why are they considered "important" in the history of photography?
A5. An art movement, real photography printed in the press. They are considered important in the history of photography because, they experienced a new technique. The earliest abstract pictures.

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